What does it mean to be a CHAMPION FOR ISRAEL?
Dor Chazak isn’t just a trip to Israel.
Dor Chazak is a fellowship for parents and their teens who want to become leaders in the fight for Israel - and against Jew-hatred in all of its forms. Our mission is to create an army of parent and teen warriors to lead the charge in their communities and beyond. If you are selected, you will join an incredible group of Jews committed to learning, listening, and acting. The Dor Chazak fellowship includes a 8-day experience in Israel, learning from leaders and key voices, developing the skills to combat antisemitism, volunteering, and engaging in meaningful (and social) time with Israeli parents and teens. All participants are expected to engage in pre-trip seminars and host post-trip community engagement and education.
If you want to become a warrior for Jews and Israel (and democracy), Dor Chazak may be right for you. The inaugural trip will launch on March 23rd and end on March 31st. To apply to be a part of our first cohort, please send an application request to dorchazak@gmail.com
Am Yisrael Chai!!!
Dor Chazak’s inaugural trip will run in partnership with Israel Food Rescue. Participants will be responsible for booking their own airfare (with a discount) and pay an $1800 fee.